--- title: Paraview --- [toc] ## Environment Settings{#enviroment} ### Software Version and System Requirements{#version} The Paraviews shown in the table below are available. |Version | Module File Name | System A |System B/C | System G | Cloud System | Note |--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |1.1.2 | paraview/5.11.0 | + | + | + | + | \+ : Available for all users \- : Not available ## Software Overview {#overview} Paraview is an open source software that allows users to analyze and visualize data. It can read a wide variety of data formats, and by using the server/client method, it can also process large data sets. ## How to Use{#usage} ### Setting Up Environment (Executing the module Command) Set up the environment by executing the `module` command. (Load the version of the module file which you want to use.) ```nohighlight $ module load paraview ``` ### How to Start (stand-alone method) {#run_standalone} Execute the following command to start Paraview. Please refer to Interactive Processing (/run/interactive) for details on the tssrun command. ```nohighlight $ tssrun -p gr19999b --x11 paraview ## The part *gr19999b* in the example must be changed to your own queue name. ## If you are not a personal or group course user, please enter "eb". ``` #### Use of threaded parallel computing {#openmp} If you want to start Paraview using multiple cores or threads, you can use the --rsc option to specify the number of cores to be used and number of threads in parallel. ```nohighlight ## Example: When starting with 4 cores and 4 threads $ tssrun -p gr19999b --rsc c=4:t=4 --x11 paraview ## The part *gr19999b* in the example must be changed to your own queue name. ## If you are not a personal or group course user, please enter "eb". ``` ### How to Start (server-client method) {#run_server_client} ParavView's server-client mode can reduce the time required to analyze / visualize large data sets and expands the amount of data that can be analyzed / visualized at one time. 1. Execute the following command to start Paraview's server function. ```nohighlight ## 4 processes in MPI parallel, 10 cores per process and 4 threads allocated $ tssrun -p gr19999b --rsc p=4:c=10:t=10 pvserver --force-offscreen-rendering ## The part *gr19999b* in the example must be changed to your own queue name. ## If you are not a personal or group course user, please enter "eb". ``` If the server function starts without problems, the console outputs the followings. ```nohighlight Waiting for client... Connection URL: cs://xb9999:11111 Accepting connection(s): xb9999:11111 ``` The `Connection URL: cs://xb9999:11111` displayed is the host name and port information where the Paraview server function is running. Please keep this information as it will be used in Section 5.   2. Launch a new console and start Paraview's client functions. ```nohighlight ## Example: Starting with 4 cores and 4 threads $ tssrun -p gr19999b --rsc c=4:t=4 --x11 paraview ## The part *gr19999b* in the example must be changed to your own queue name. ## If you are not a personal or group course user, please enter "eb". ```   3. Once ParaView is started, press the area circled in blue and display the Window for connecting to the server. ![](01_paraview_base.png?lightbox=80%&resize=500) 4. The administration screen of the server to be connected will be displayed, press the area circled in red. ![](02_choose_server.png?lightbox=80%&resize=500) 5. The new setup screen of the server will be displayed.In the text box labeled Host, if the information displayed in Section 1. is **cs://xb9999:11111**, enter `xb9999-ib0` ( **hostname** + **-ib0**) . In the text box labeled Port, if the information displayed in Section 1. is **cs://xb9999:11111**, enter `11111` (standby port number). After completing the input, click the button marked "Configure" (circled in red). ![](03_edit_serverinfo.png?lightbox=80%&resize=500) 6. When the client is started, a screen for selecting whether or not to automatically connect to the server is displayed. Select "Manual (default)" for "Startup Type" and click the button marked "Save" (circled in red). ![](04_save_serverinfo.png?lightbox=80%&resize=500) 7. When you return to the server selection screen, make sure that the server set in Section 5 is selected, and click on "Connect" (circled in red). ![](05_connect_server.png?lightbox=80%&resize=500) With the above steps, some of the analysis/visualization processes will be available using a server launched with MPI parallelism.