Browse code

20230719: Corrected a typo in the system name

root authored on2023-07-19 18:47:45
Showing2 changed files
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@@ -45,9 +45,9 @@ You need to load the module file to use.
45 45
46 46
 | Python    | System| Type   | Package  |  Version | Library | Module File                       | Notes
47 47
 |---        |---          |---     | ---         | ---         | ---        | ---                                      | ---
-| python3.8 | D/E         | CPU    | TensorFlow  |  2.11.0     | MKL 2022.3 | tensorflow/2.11.0.py38_intel-2022.3      | Intel Optimized AVX512 version
-| python3.8 | D/E         | CPU    | MXNet       |  1.6.0      | MKL 2022.3 | mxnet/1.6.0.py38_intel-2022.3            | MKL-compliant version
-| python3.8 | D/E         | CPU    | PyTorch     |  1.13.1     | MKL 2022.3 | pytorch/1.13.1.py38_intel-2022.3         | intel extension for pytorch Available
+| python3.8 | B/C         | CPU    | TensorFlow  |  2.11.0     | MKL 2022.3 | tensorflow/2.11.0.py38_intel-2022.3      | Intel Optimized AVX512 version
+| python3.8 | B/C         | CPU    | MXNet       |  1.6.0      | MKL 2022.3 | mxnet/1.6.0.py38_intel-2022.3            | MKL-compliant version
+| python3.8 | B/C         | CPU    | PyTorch     |  1.13.1     | MKL 2022.3 | pytorch/1.13.1.py38_intel-2022.3         | intel extension for pytorch Available
51 51
 | python3.8 | G           | GPU    | TensorFlow  |  2.11.0     | CUDA 11.2  | tensorflow/2.11.0.py38_cuda-11.2         | GPU version_TensorRT Available
52 52
 | python3.8 | G           | GPU    | MXNet       |  1.9.1      | CUDA 11.7  | mxnet/1.9.1.py38_cuda-11.7               | GPU version
53 53
 | python3.8 | G           | GPU    | PyTorch     |  1.13.1     | CUDA 11.7  | pytorch/1.13.1.py38_cuda-11.7            | GPU version
... ...
@@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ astunparse                   1.6.3
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45 45
 | Python    | 対象システム| 種別   | パッケージ  |  バージョン | ライブラリ | モジュールファイル                       | 補足事項
46 46
 |---        |---          |---     | ---         | ---         | ---        | ---                                      | ---
-| python3.8 | D/E         | CPU    | TensorFlow  |  2.11.0     | MKL 2022.3 | tensorflow/2.11.0.py38_intel-2022.3      | Intel Optimized AVX512版
-| python3.8 | D/E         | CPU    | MXNet       |  1.6.0      | MKL 2022.3 | mxnet/1.6.0.py38_intel-2022.3            | MKL対応版
-| python3.8 | D/E         | CPU    | PyTorch     |  1.13.1     | MKL 2022.3 | pytorch/1.13.1.py38_intel-2022.3         | intel extension for pytorch あり
+| python3.8 | B/C         | CPU    | TensorFlow  |  2.11.0     | MKL 2022.3 | tensorflow/2.11.0.py38_intel-2022.3      | Intel Optimized AVX512版
+| python3.8 | B/C         | CPU    | MXNet       |  1.6.0      | MKL 2022.3 | mxnet/1.6.0.py38_intel-2022.3            | MKL対応版
+| python3.8 | B/C         | CPU    | PyTorch     |  1.13.1     | MKL 2022.3 | pytorch/1.13.1.py38_intel-2022.3         | intel extension for pytorch あり
50 50
 | python3.8 | G           | GPU    | TensorFlow  |  2.11.0     | CUDA 11.2  | tensorflow/2.11.0.py38_cuda-11.2         | GPU版 TensorRT利用可
51 51
 | python3.8 | G           | GPU    | MXNet       |  1.9.1      | CUDA 11.7  | mxnet/1.9.1.py38_cuda-11.7               | GPU版
52 52
 | python3.8 | G           | GPU    | PyTorch     |  1.13.1     | CUDA 11.7  | pytorch/1.13.1.py38_cuda-11.7            | GPU版