 title: 'IMSL Library'
         - docs
 published: true
 ##  What Is IMSL Library?{#summary}
 IMSL Fortran library is a Fortran subroutine library for scientific computing, and contains over 1000 functions of numerical calculation, statistical analysis, and special functions. It provides a comprehensive set of algorithms of IMSL products for Fortran, including IMSL F90 library, IMSL FORTRAN 77 library, and IMSL parallel processing features. It delivers an easy-to-operate interface provided by LAPACK, ScaLAPACK, and SuperLU.
 A time-consuming algorithm such as matrix operations, linear system, eigensystem analysis, or fast fourier transform(FFT) is processed in parallel on all sorts of SMP systems. And it makes a great enhancement to a large-scale problem.
 ## Environment Settings{#enviroment}
 ### Software Version and System Requirements{#version}
 Version  | Module File Name  | SystemA | System B/C  | System G/Cloud
 ------      | -----                 | -----        | --- | ---
 2022.1.0    | imsl/fnl-2022.1.0   | -  | AU           | - 
 AU : Available for academic users only  
 \- : Not available
 ###  Library Setting{#modules}
 If you want to use the IMSL library, you need to use the Intel compiler. Execute the module command as follows.
 $ module load imsl/fnl-2022.1.0
 Please refer to  [Modules](/config/modules) for details on the module command.
 ## How to Use{#usage}
 The environment settings set the link options required for compilation as environment variables. Please use these environment variables to compile.
 Type                 | Environment Variables  | Description
 -----------------   | ----------- | ----------------------------
 Compiler          | $FC         | Fortran Compiler
 Compile Option| $F90FLAGS   | Compile Option for Fortran90
 Link Option    | $LINK_FNL   | Static library (Non-parallelized) 
 〃                  | $LINK_MPIS  | Static library (MPI parallelized)
 * **Example of compiling and linking**
 $ ifort $F90FLAGS sample.f90 $LINK_FNL   (Non-parallelized System B,C)
 $ mpiifort $F90FLAGS sample.f90 $LINK_MPIS (MPI parallelized System B,C)
 ##  Links{#link}
 * [IMSL](