 title: Maple
 published: true
         - docs
 ## Environment Settings{#enviroment}
 ### Software Version and System Requirements{#version}
 The Modules software package can dynamically switch and set the environment settings required to use the application by executing the module command.  And you can change the environment settings easily when you switch to the different version of the application.
 Please refer to [Modules](/config/modules) for details.
 You can check a list of available module files with the module avail command.
 Version                      | Module File Name | SystemA | System B/C/G | Cloud System
 ---------------------   | ------------------   | -----         | ----- | ---
  Maple 2024.0 (default) | maple/2024.0      | -   | KU            | -
  Maple 2023.0  | maple/2023.0      | -   | KU            | -
  Maple 2022.0  | maple/2022.0      | -   | KU            | -
 KU : Available for Kyoto University members only    
 \- :  Not available
 #### サポートされるバージョンについて
 Mapleは、サポートされるバージョンが過去3バージョンまでとなったため,現在提供しているバージョンのうち,2016,2017,2018を 非推奨とさせて頂きます.
 ## Software Overview{#overview}
 Maple is a formula manipulation software product equipped with various mathematical commands and graphics functions.
 ### Software Features{#functions}
 * Formula manipulation and Algebraic operations
 * Display of 2D- or 3D-plotted graphs
 * Simple operation to use advanced and universal formula calculation functions
 * Management of calculation know-how by reproducible technical documents
 * Over 4000 calculation functions are provided as default
 ### Areas of Application{#app_area}
 * Visualization feature
 * Display of a line and surface contour, creation of  isosurface, and a vector display with arrows.
 * Streamline, particle tracing, and cross-sectional slicing.
 * Element shrink, volume rendering
 * Visual programming
 * Network editor
 * Object orientation
 * Graphics display
 ## How to Use{#usage}
 ### Environment settings(Executing the module command){#env_set}
 Execute the **module** command to set up the environment. (Load the version of the module file you want to use).
 $ module load maple
 ### GUI Mode{#gui}
 You can start maple by executing the following command in an environment where a GUI with the X Window System is available.
 Please refer to  [Interactive Processing](/run/interactive) for details on the**tssrun** command. 
 $ tssrun --x11 xmaple
 You can operate interactively in the **worksheet** screen shown in the center of the operation screen. The operation screen contains**Menu Bar**,  **Toolbar**, and **Context Bar** other than the**worksheet**.
 To exit maple, select the **File** menu in the menu bar, then click **Exit**.
 ### CUI Mode{#cui}
 You can start maple by executing the following command.
 Please refer to  [Interactive Processing](/run/interactive) for details on the**tssrun** command. 
 $ tssrun maple
 You can exit maple by executing the following command.
 $ quit
 ## References{#references}
 ### In Japanese{#ref_ja}
 * [Command Reference(Cybernet Systems)](
 ### In English{#ref_en}
 ## Links{#link}
 ### External Links{#ex_link}
 * [Maple(Cybernet Systems)](
 * [Maple Application Center(Maplesoft)](