MSC Marc

The Modules software package can dynamically switch and set the environment settings required to use the application by executing the module command. And you can change the environment settings easily when you switch to the different version of the application. Please refer to Modules for details.

You can check a list of available module files with the module avail command.

Version Module File Name System A System B/C/G Cloud System
2023.4 (default) marc/2023.4 - AU -
2022.3 marc/2022.3 - AU -

+ : Available for all users
AU :Available for academic users only
- : Not available

The number of parallels/users available at the same time has a limit. If an error due to insufficient licenses occur, we may request you to cooperate with the use of your licenses.

MSC.Marc is a nonlinear common-use structural analysis program using the finite element method. This program performs numerical analysis such as structural analysis, heat conduction analysis, acoustic analysis, and static electric field analysis.
Its dedicated interactive pre- and post-processor Msc.Marc Mentat allows you to make finite element models and view analysis results.

Marc consists of the following libraries, and you can conduct various analysis by combining them.

  • Analysis library
    • Structural analysis library
    • Non-structural analysis library
    • Combined structure library
  • Element library
  • Material library
  • Function library

  • Aerospace
  • Heavy industry
  • Automobile
  • Electronics, electron
  • Construction
  • Medical care, etc.

Set up the environment by executing the module command. (Load the version of the module file which you want to use.)

$ module load marc

$ tssrun run_marc -j 入力ファイル -b no (オプション指定)

$ tssrun run_marc -j sample.dat  -b no

To run in thread parallel, the number of threads must be specified with the -nthread option and the tssrun command must be used. Please refer to Interactive Processing for details on thetssrun command.

$ tssrun --rsc t=4:c=4:m=20G run_marc -j sample -b no -nthread 4

Specify the -q f -v n option in addition to the input file specification by the -j option in the batch script. Please refer to Batch Processing for how to use batch.

#============ LSF Options ============
#SBATCH -p gr19999b
#SBATCH -t 1:00:00
#SBATCH --rsc p=1:t=4:c=4:m=20G
#============ Shell Script ============
module load marc
run_marc -j sample -b no -v n -nthread $OMP_NUM_THREADS

Options Description
-j  jid Specifying the input file (*.dat)
-b no Specifying foreground
-v  {y,n} Checking the input file
-nthread num the number of parallel threads
-cpu sec CPU time limit
-prog progname Running the executable program “progname.marc” that was run in the previous job
-user username Creating a new executable program “username.marc” using a user subroutine “username.f”

Marc & Mentat Docs (MSC Software)

Marc & Mentat Docs (MSC Software)

Marc (MSC Software)

We periodically held programming seminars, and distribute the handouts.