IMSL Library

IMSL Fortran library is a Fortran subroutine library for scientific computing, and contains over 1000 functions of numerical calculation, statistical analysis, and special functions. It provides a comprehensive set of algorithms of IMSL products for Fortran, including IMSL F90 library, IMSL FORTRAN 77 library, and IMSL parallel processing features. It delivers an easy-to-operate interface provided by LAPACK, ScaLAPACK, and SuperLU.

A time-consuming algorithm such as matrix operations, linear system, eigensystem analysis, or fast fourier transform(FFT) is processed in parallel on all sorts of SMP systems. And it makes a great enhancement to a large-scale problem.

Version Module File Name SystemA System B/C System G/Cloud
2022.1.0 imsl/fnl-2022.1.0 - AU -

AU : Available for academic users only
- : Not available

If you want to use the IMSL library, you need to use the Intel compiler. Execute the module command as follows.

$ module load imsl/fnl-2022.1.0

Please refer to Modules for details on the module command.

The environment settings set the link options required for compilation as environment variables. Please use these environment variables to compile.

Type Environment Variables Description
Compiler $FC Fortran Compiler
Compile Option $F90FLAGS Compile Option for Fortran90
Link Option $LINK_FNL Static library (Non-parallelized)
$LINK_MPIS Static library (MPI parallelized)
  • Example of compiling and linking
$ ifort $F90FLAGS sample.f90 $LINK_FNL   (Non-parallelized System B,C)
$ mpiifort $F90FLAGS sample.f90 $LINK_MPIS (MPI parallelized System B,C)