The Modules software package can dynamically switch and set the environment settings required to use the application by executing the module command. And you can change the environment settings easily when you switch to the different version of the application. Please refer to Modules for details.

You can check a list of available module files with the module avail command.

Version Module File Name System A System B/C/G Cloud System
R14.1.0 (default) ls-dyna/R14.1.0 - AU -
R13.1.1 ls-dyna/R13.1.1 - AU -

+ : Available for all users AU : Available for academic users only
- : Not available

The number of processes available at the same time is 8 licenses. We may limit the number of licenses available at the same time per user depending on the situation.

LS-PrePost is a pre and post-software that processes the input/output data of LS-DYNA.

Version Module File Name System B/C/G Cloud System
ls-prepost 4.10.5 (default) ls-prepost/4.10.5 AU -
ls-prepost 4.9.10 ls-prepost/4.9.10 AU -

+ : Available for all users
AU : Available for academic users only
-: Not available

Execute the module command to set up the environment. (Load the version of the module file you want to use). Please refer to Modules for details on the module command.

$ module load ls-prepost

It will start by executing the following command after logging in to an environment where the X Window System is available, such as FastX or NiceDCV. Please refer to Interactive Processing for details on the tssrun command.

$ tssrun --x11 lspp49
※The ending of the execution command name (version number) differs depending on the version.

We provide paper-based materials for the programming seminar on how to use LS-DYNA and LS-PREPOST for your reference at the counter of the Media Center North Building on a first-come, first-served basis. (Please note that the number of materials are limited.)

LS-DYNA, nonlinear dynamic structural analysis software, performs explicit-method-based time-history simulation of large deformation, elasto-plasticity, and dynamic contact and behavior of structural objects.
LS-DYNA is an improvement of DYNA3D developed by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) of the United States, and from Ver.950 on, it supports as its standard function implicit-method-based structural analysis, fluid analysis, and thermal analysis.
With its explicit and implicit methods, this software supports normal linear analysis and frequency responses, and can be used as a high-end universal structural analysis tool.

  • Phenomenon analysis : The following phenomena can be analyzed
    • Collision / shock(e.g., car collision)
    • Plastic forming(e.g., press forming)
    • Falling (e.g., falling of portable products)
    • Crack / burst((e.g., chap)
    • Mechanism analysis involving distortion(e.g., conveyance by a rubber roller)
  • Contact
        LS-DYNA provides over 20 options for contact analysis. For contact surfaces, conditions including adherence, abrasion, contact, slip, and friction can be specified. 
  • Material model
        LS-DYNA provides over 100 metallic and nonmetallic material models, each of which has various elements such as spring, damper, rigid body, and weld.
  • Interface      Interfaces are provided for CAD data, other structural analysis software and simulation software.

  • Automobile
  • Aerospace
  • Defense
  • Electric devices
  • Construction and civil engineering
  • Nuclear power, etc.

Execute the module command to set up the environment. (Load the version of the module file you want to use).

$ module load ls-dyna

## When using the MPP version
$ module load intelmpi/2018.4

Command name Type Notes
lsdyna_sp SMP version、 single precision
lsdyna_dp SMP version、double precision The following usage is explained using this command
lsdyna_sp_mpp MPP version、single precision Module load of intelmpi/2018.4 is required
lsdyna_dp_mpp MPP version、double precision Module load of intelmpi/2018.4 is required

$ tssrun ls971_d i=[executable file]  ncpu=[Number of parallel CPUs("1" is set if not specified.)]

You can specify the options in addition to the executable file and number of parallel. Please refer to the manual Manual (LS-DYNA KEYWORD MANUAL) for details.

$ tssrun ls971_d i=sample.dyn ncpu=2
**tssrun** Please refer to  [Interactive Processing](/run/interactive) for details on the **tssrun** command. 

「d3hsp」…Analysis history output file
「messag」…Calculation execution message, error message output file
「status.out」…Analysis result output file
「d3plot」…File for outputting the 3D form of the model
「d3dump」…Data file required for restart

You need to prepare a Batch file to run LS-DYNA by Batch job. Write a script of the same commands as you execute on the command line and submit the job by the qsub command.

#============ Slurm Options ============
#SBATCH -p gr19999b
#SBATCH -t 1:00:00
#SBATCH --rsc p=1:t=2:c=2:m=2G
#============ Shell Script ============

module load ls-dyna

ls971_d i=sample.dyn ncpu=$SLURM_DPC_CPUS